The Quadratic Equation (Mathematics)

theroy of Qudratic Equation

I have completed whole quadratic equations starts from what is quadratic equation what is pure quadratic equation how you recognise quadratic equation then how you can solve it here I explained three methods they are factorisation completing square method and derivation of quadratic formula and how we can use to get the roots of quadratic equation then I have explained the theory of quadratic equation in which I explained how to determined the nature of the roots of quadratic equation without solving it by method of discrimate  I have also discuss cube roots of unity and given lot of examples how to find cube roots of different numbers and also use in problems the properties of sum and product of cube roots of unity in which used Quadratic formula in this course I have also put lecturer s at finding sum and product of the roots of quadratic equation and applied into problem  and another lecturer I have discussed if roots are given how you can again form a quadratic equations and at last I have explained synthetic division its method and applied to find the solution of different types of equations some Multipal choice questions also solve for review purpose you can see my demo lesson math with tariq  on YouTube my mostly questions are chosen from federal board book Islamabad

What you’ll learn

  • What is quadratic form.
  • How you can form a quadratic equation when roots are given.
  • What are methods to solve Quadratic equation.
  • You can predict nature of roots of the roots by Discriminate Method.

Course Content

  • lecture 1 –> 12 lectures • 3hr 2min.

The Quadratic Equation (Mathematics)


I have completed whole quadratic equations starts from what is quadratic equation what is pure quadratic equation how you recognise quadratic equation then how you can solve it here I explained three methods they are factorisation completing square method and derivation of quadratic formula and how we can use to get the roots of quadratic equation then I have explained the theory of quadratic equation in which I explained how to determined the nature of the roots of quadratic equation without solving it by method of discrimate  I have also discuss cube roots of unity and given lot of examples how to find cube roots of different numbers and also use in problems the properties of sum and product of cube roots of unity in which used Quadratic formula in this course I have also put lecturer s at finding sum and product of the roots of quadratic equation and applied into problem  and another lecturer I have discussed if roots are given how you can again form a quadratic equations and at last I have explained synthetic division its method and applied to find the solution of different types of equations some Multipal choice questions also solve for review purpose you can see my demo lesson math with tariq  on YouTube my mostly questions are chosen from federal board book Islamabad

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