Learn how to develop the strong personal relationships that you’ll need to achieve your goals.
Personal networks are the linchpin to achieving success. Without a strong, deep and diverse network you’re limiting your opportunities to learn, grow and expand the breadth of your experience and expertise.
What you’ll learn
- Learn what a personal network is and how it benefits you, both professionally and personally..
- Develop deeper, stronger, more mutually beneficial relationships..
- Create a strategy for maintaining these relationships..
Course Content
- Introduction –> 3 lectures • 11min.
- The Mind Set: Don’t Keep Score/Generosity –> 3 lectures • 10min.
- The Mind Set: What’s Your Mission? –> 4 lectures • 9min.
- The Mind Set: Take Names –> 4 lectures • 12min.
- The Mind Set: Build it Before You Need It –> 3 lectures • 6min.
- The Mind Set: The Genius of Audacity –> 3 lectures • 8min.
- The Skill Set: Warming the Cold Call –> 3 lectures • 5min.
- The Skill Set: Do Your Homework –> 3 lectures • 4min.
- The Skill Set: The Gatekeeper –> 3 lectures • 6min.
- The Skill Set: Leverage Your Passions –> 3 lectures • 4min.
- The Skill Set: Making Your Small Talk Matter –> 3 lectures • 6min.
- The Skill Set: Follow Up…Or Fail –> 3 lectures • 3min.
- The Skill Set: Ping All The Time –> 3 lectures • 4min.
- The Skill Set: Build and Broadcast Your Brand –> 6 lectures • 11min.
- Connecting in the Digital Age –> 4 lectures • 11min.
- Make it Your Life: Connect with Connectors –> 3 lectures • 5min.
- Make it Your Life: Be a Conference Commando –> 3 lectures • 7min.
- Make it Your Life: Expand Your Circle –> 3 lectures • 6min.
- Give Back: Find Mentors, Find Mentees. Repeat. –> 3 lectures • 6min.
- Give Back: Be Interesting –> 3 lectures • 6min.
- Give Back: Balance is BS –> 3 lectures • 7min.
- Conclusion –> 3 lectures • 5min.
Personal networks are the linchpin to achieving success. Without a strong, deep and diverse network you’re limiting your opportunities to learn, grow and expand the breadth of your experience and expertise.
This course will teach you how to be better at creating a personal network, through casting a wide, but purposeful net to build the relationships you’ll need to achieve your goals and how to take care of those relationships for mutual success.
You’ll also learn valuable skills to prioritizing and maintaining these relationships like how to create a relationship action plan, warming a cold call, how to develop and broadcast a brand and, more than anything, how to stay interesting.