Advance Designer cake by World Pastry Champion

3 Dimentional designer cake from start to finish

Advance designer cake cake by World Pastry Champion

What you’ll learn

  • Learn how to cover a cake and different cup outs.
  • Learn about pound cake and butter cream.
  • Learn about figurines making and their placement on cakes.
  • How how to construct and assemble a 3 dimentional designer cake.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 6 lectures • 1hr 37min.

Advance Designer cake by World Pastry Champion


Advance designer cake cake by World Pastry Champion

World pastry champion 2019 Chef Loi Ming Ai in this program will teach you a world class designer cake which also include some figurines as well as many others different techniques.

This cake is made on the pound cake covered with butter cream . We have covered one of the component on the sterofoam as well so that you get a better idea as how to work on them as well. How to smoothen them and how to layer them.

You will be understanding how to measure and organise when you plan any specific part of the designer cake and give them that colour shape and structure. The entire process is civered step by step and you can easily replicate them or may be change to your own colour combination

Chef have used minimum possible equipments so that you can feel the maximum hands techniques possible. This include all those minute details like making fondant strawberry , Petal and give them that realistic look as close as possible.

One of the most important part of doing a figurie cake is the supporting wiring on which the figurine need to stand so this video will also teach you how to plan those wiring , shaping them and then build the structure on the,

One all your component of the cakes are ready then you can easily assemble these components and contruct a final cake.

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