Understand number systems conversions

Master conversion between binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal number systems

The course teaches how to convert numbers in one base (binary, octal, decimal & hexadecimal) to another base (binary, octal, decimal & hexadecimal).

What you’ll learn

  • Understanding number system concept.
  • Understanding binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal number systems.
  • Performing conversions between number systems.
  • Create your own number system.

Course Content

  • Wstęp –> 11 lectures • 1hr 42min.

Understand number systems conversions


The course teaches how to convert numbers in one base (binary, octal, decimal & hexadecimal) to another base (binary, octal, decimal & hexadecimal).

You will learn what the number system is, and why it is so important in IT, Electronics, and other fields of science. This is fundamental knowledge that every Computer Science student and programmer must possess.

You will learn how the data is represented inside the computer, including images, sound, and text.

I explain different concepts using examples because people learn the most by doing and examples, not only by theory.

Conversions are shown step by step using animation in PowerPoint in a way that helps you to grasp the core ideas easily.

Course duration is only 2 hours, so consequently, students can cover conversions in one week if given sufficient time for the course.

Remember that it is very essential to perform some exercises and try to solve some conversions on your own in order to be proficient and comfortable with the topic.

Table of contents:

00. Welcome to the course

01. The idea of the number

02. Data and binary system

03. Characters representation

04. Conversions binary – decimal

05. Conversions octal – decimal

06. Conversions hexadecimal – decimal

07. Conversions binary – octal

08. Conversions binary – hexadecimal

09. Conversions octal – hexadecimal

10. Build your own number system


Happy learning!

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