Full Practice Exam | Pass the PL-300 | DA-100 exam and become Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate!
The ONLY course you need to prepare and PASS the PL-300 | DA-100 exam and become Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate!
What you’ll learn
- The only course you need to PASS the PL-300 | exam: Become Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate!.
- Full Practice Exam including explanations!.
- Master Power BI and become an expert.
- Learn Data Prep and Data Transforming.
- Create high-performing Data Models.
- Master Data Visualization and enhance your reports.
- Analyze your Data and deliver real insights.
- Deliver the reports to your audience and manage Power BI in the Cloud.
Course Content
- Introduction –> 6 lectures • 26min.
- Peparing the Data (15-20%) –> 23 lectures • 1hr 45min.
- Model the Data (30-35%) –> 27 lectures • 2hr 20min.
- Visualize and Analyze the Data (25-30%) –> 26 lectures • 2hr 7min.
- Deploy and Maintain Assets (20-25%) –> 31 lectures • 1hr 53min.
- Case studies & final practice test –> 2 lectures • 6min.
- Scheduling the exam & final tips –> 4 lectures • 20min.
The ONLY course you need to prepare and PASS the PL-300 | DA-100 exam and become Microsoft Certified: Power BI Data Analyst Associate!
Make your exam preparation and learning Power BI fun & easy but very effective: By learning with real-life & hands-on projects, quizzes, case studies and a full practice exam!
This course teaches you every single topic you need to master the exam with ease.
Why is this the ONLY course you need to take to pass the PL-300 exam?
- Learn everything you need to know to master Microsoft Power BI and to prepare and pass the PL-300 exam.
- Every single topic is covered in depth
- All new topics for the updated PL-300 exam are also included!
- Full practice exam
- Tips for success
- Everything you need to know about the exam itself
- Many quizzes to test your knowledge
- Learn all the practical knowledge to master Power BI in the real world
- This course guides you step-by-step to prepare in the best possible way for the exam
- Don’t waste your time but focuses on what really matters to master the exam!
The instructor:
Hi, my name is Nikolai, and I have just passed my PL-300 exam. I am teaching Power BI in 150+ countries and one of the best-rated courses. My mission with the course: Take the stress out of your exam prep, make it fun but very effective to make the most out of your preparation time. I want to make sure you have the best chances of succeeding and moving your career forward with the PL-300 exam and Power BI in your professional career.
Enroll now and get:
- Lifetime access including all future updates
- 9 hours video lectures
- All project files and source files to download
- Full practice exam with explanations
- Tips for success
- 30-days-money back guarantee (no questions asked!)