AWS CICD Automation Complete Reference for Prod ready system

A complete reference course for the Application developers and DevOps engineers to work with various AWS DevOps tools

I’m excited to share my experience through multiple hands on labs. All are based on actual scenarios. This course covers essential knowledge of implementing and using various aws tools for continuous integration and deployment.

What you’ll learn

  • CodeCommit, Git operations like creating branches, pull requests, check conflicts and merge.
  • Check code automated code review using CodeGuru.
  • Create artifactory for your software packages using CodeArtifact.
  • Create a repository to store docker images using ECR.
  • Pull image from repository and deploy.
  • Use CodeBuild to build docker image and push to ECR.
  • Create ECS cluster and use Fargate to deploy springboot service.
  • How rolling update deployment works.
  • Create an automated flow for CICD using CodePipeline.
  • Add a manual approval stage in CodePipeline.
  • Use CodeDeploy service in CodePipeline to deploy docker image from ECR to Fargate.
  • Route traffic through load balancer.
  • Complete hands on experience based on actual production scenario.
  • Multiple assignments per sections to help practicing learners.
  • ECS Rolling update Lab.
  • ECS Blue Green Deployment using CodeDeploy Lab.
  • Amazon EKS lab. Create cluster and worker nodes, Install kubectl in local system and connect to EKS cluster.

Course Content

  • Introduction –> 2 lectures • 5min.
  • Pre-requisites and Resources –> 4 lectures • 29min.
  • CodeCommit –> 4 lectures • 17min.
  • CodeGuru –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • CodeArtifact –> 2 lectures • 15min.
  • Elastic Container Registry (ECR) –> 2 lectures • 6min.
  • CodeBuild –> 2 lectures • 27min.
  • Routing traffic to docker containers –> 1 lecture • 5min.
  • Elastic Container Service (ECS) –> 1 lecture • 15min.
  • CodePipeline and CodeDeploy –> 4 lectures • 18min.
  • ECS Deployment Types and Strategy –> 3 lectures • 36min.
  • Quick Revision –> 1 lecture • 4min.
  • Amazon EKS Cluster and Worker nodes –> 5 lectures • 28min.
  • Closing note –> 1 lecture • 1min.

AWS CICD Automation Complete Reference for Prod ready system


I’m excited to share my experience through multiple hands on labs. All are based on actual scenarios. This course covers essential knowledge of implementing and using various aws tools for continuous integration and deployment.

This course has been created considering the need of aws cloud developers who develop application as well as work on DevOps environment.

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